Spirits of the woods,
enjoy the traditional taste.
The Berignone forest
Our Spirits
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Spiriti del Bosco is the unique project of La Vena di Vino in Volterra in Tuscany, a famous luxury bar for over twenty years. Dedicated to the lost Distillery in the Berignone forest, opened in 1851 by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopold II. Fame came to the principal fairs of the time. From Paris in 1853 to the first Italian Exhibition in Florence in 1861 to the World Exhibition in London in 1862, it was the first time anyone knew this story. From the love for our territory and the desire to pass on the historical memory of ancient recipes to the future, when all around was a flourishing of stills and distillates. Magicians and hot air balloons, today we collect the botanicals in the Nature Reserves of the Alta Val of leucine to assemble our spirits. Retracing the path of our ancestors toward new alcoholic routes.
History of the brand
Our strength
Spiriti del Bosco has consolidated experience creating alcoholic recipes based on historical research and tradition.
By collecting and inserting the botanicals of the Alta Val di Cecina
in natural Areas, we strengthen the typicality and the possibility of economic and creative growth.
The importance of positioning oneself in the places of the ancient
Caprareccia distillery in the Berignone Forest, discovered during our studies to codify the formulas of our spirits, creates a virtuous circle in harmony with the considerations asserted so far.
Mapping the botanical territory, and creating "alcoholic" paths and itineraries, increase the brand's prestige and visibility in its uniqueness. Innovative projects mixed with the recovery of ancient practices, but above all as a practical act in defense of environmental sustainably.
Gin “made in Volterra” dall’Expo di Londra del 1862 all’enoteca vicino al Guarnacci
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The Spirits in press

Volterra, storie di boschi, ‘spiriti’ e di gin - intoscana

P.I 01514910502
La vena di vino
La vena di vino
Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 30, 56048 Volterra, Toscana
+39 340 9516519
+39 333 2270387
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